Friday, November 21, 2008

Failure to Launch!!!

I have been watching eagerly for months for the release of the much vaunted BlackBerry Storm. Many of my friends have been telling me, "Why don't you just get an iPhone?" I have avoided the iPhone for a couple of different reasons...
  1. Apple has a terrible reputation for protecting privacy. Many actions on the iPhone sends information to Apple. Information that I do not necessarily want to send to Apple.
  2. Quite frankly, AT&T has a crappy network in my part of the country.
So I wait....

and wait...

and wait...

This phone was delayed, in part, because of the software. Apparently the OS on the Storm was very buggy. The word was that RIM and VZW wanted to get this one right up front.

Then they started sending out postcards to certain people talking of a VIP sale the week of 10 Nov. That ended up not materializing and VZW ended up with egg on their face.

Finally a solid date was announced...21 November.

The ads ramped up and the chatter had begun. Many stated that Verizon and BlackBerry pushed the date back to make sure there was no supply problem as is typical for a launch of any Verizon phone.

However, I should have known there was a problem when I noticed that the ads (which has suddenly gone in to regular rotation) disappeared as suddenly as they appeared around Tuesday of this week.

Due to a meeting, I could not go stand in line at the store to get the Storm. So I show up at VZW store 20 minutes after it opens to finally get my hands on one. Ten people are in line...and I am met at the door by the manager. "I'm sorry, sir. we are out of devices".

And apparently this is a common problem since there are widespread reports of outages...and it is not becuae of is becase of supply!!!


Then a friend of mine finds this on the web.

Verizon has a reputation for intentionally undersupplying phones on release date. Whether it was intentional or not, this will be seen as yet another failure by Verizon to properly handle customer demand.

So for the second time in less than a year, Verizon fails in its attempt to unseat the iPhone in touchscreen market. Remember how the Voyager flopped last holiday season as it was being hailed as the "iPhone killer"? Everyone was excited to see it coming...only to find out it was not even a smartphone...but basically a toy. Now BlackBerry has their run at it. And after delays, bugs and terrible marketing...early on in the game, it appears destined to be another big failure.

Early on...this looks like a route for the iPhone.

So here I am...still lugging around my gawdy Samsung i760. And have no idea when I can get a Storm.

Verizon would have been better served to have pushed launch back into the second week of December...than to allow this to happen.

The only proper thing to say at this point to Verizon and RIM is...DO BETTER.

Friday, November 14, 2008

What's on Jason's Mind?

  • Apprehensive about the mite hockey game in the morning. I don't feel my team is prepared.
  • Really wishing I did not have the hockey game to coach so I could see my daughter in her gymnastics meet.
  • Glad the project called "Paint house & make other outdoor repairs" is actually started.
  • Looking forward to seeing Alabama play on TV tomorrow night. Good food, good friends, and smores!!!
  • Glad I had today off after the week I had.
  • Enjoyed sitting at Joe Muggs today with a vanilla creme frappe and my laptop.
  • I am really looking forward to Friday next week. Can you say "BlackBerry Storm"?
  • Man!!! It is getting cold out here...I am typing from my deck.
  • I need to go to bed...I have to get up early!!!

Tough Week for the Home Team

This week has not been a good one.

Most of my troubles are at the office. I am not dissatisfied with my job or anything like that. I have just been humbled in a big way. It took a phase of my career that was quite exciting, and made it bitter sweet.

I have always taken pride in being one that is well organized, has it all in order and does not let things fall through the cracks.

Well, I just went through a stretch where I had 4 major projects cooking at once. And all of them required a different set of skills. it was great because of the of the success I had completing them. However, something was lurking underneath that destroyed all of that. You see, I also was responsible for keeping up with my original "real job". That is where the problem started.

I had allowed my inbox to go to heck among other things. Weekly reviews became more and more infrequent because of all the time I dedicated to these projects. I had let several things get away from me. Fortunately, those who are concerned about it are trying to help me rather than beat me. Yes, there are threats and ultimatums involved. None that I can't deal with. But it is still demoralizing.

The productivity guru has fallen...hard.

So...I will say it here first...My name is Jason Echols...and I am off the wagon.

So this weekend, I take inventory. And crawl back on. There are lessons to be learned from this...and that is what I intend to seize hold of first.