Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mary Winkler and a New Media Agenda

This morning as I sipped my coffee and check into what might have happened in the world last night as I slept, I read a headline that sent off a red light in my head. It appears that the preacher's wife who pretty much got a free pass for murdering her husband (Remember? She popped off a shotgun in his back.) will be appearing on Oprah soon.

Part of her defense was that she was abused by her husband. Let's remember, they could not even get the kids to agree that mommy was abused either verbally or physically. But she did get a psychologist to say in court that she was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because of the alleged abuse.

That got her a slap on the hand for murder.

Now, she is trying to play the victim card again in an attempt to get custody of her children. Her appearance on Oprah is a part of the PR campaign that is now underway to help her succeed in that effort.

The problem I have with all of this is that Matthew Winkler will now have his character assassinated all over again...and for exactly what purpose?

Mary's purpose is obvious. She wants to try to hit the reset button on her life. She wants to basically go back to the way it was...but this time without Matthew...for whatever reason.

But what is Oprah's agenda?

Oprah is up to what she is always up to. She is excited about the prospect of putting Matthew Winkler on trial. Why? First, because he is a man, and second, because he represents a Christian faith that the media jumps at any opportunity to misrepresent or discredit.

I guess in the end, both will get what they are after...that is, unless common sense awakens from its slumber and steps in to save the day...and perhaps while she is at it, she can save Mary Winkler's children from their own mom.